Senin, 23 Juli 2012

FriendShip :)

In junior high school, I have three best friends. They are Selma, Mila and Eva. We always together and we spent much time together. I enjoyed it. I love them. We named our gang "KURUBIN".
Mainly I was always with selma, we often make a date in pairs. I'm with Eza and Selma with Andreas. It was so fun! We even took a jet coaster ride in Taman Air Sabda Alam! And when Eza declare his love to me, Selma, Mila, and Eva were with me. So it makes our moment became more special

I'm very happy because I feel they are the best friend I ever had.
And now, we have two more class in senior high school. And we increase our number of personel
( hahaha :D ) by Thasya and Erisa.

Eva, Selma, Mila and I

I love them so

Selma, Thasya, Eva, Erisa and I

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